Thursday, February 18, 2010

Well, well, well. After my recent development of a fashion blogging obsession, I've finally started one of my own. Really, I'm a bit intimidated. Sloppy, clueless, awkward, wide-eyed little rookie I may be (even though I'm 19...), I still have a really really huge interesting in getting more familiar with fashion (what an incredibly broad word, hm?) in general, the industry itself, actual designers, the like.

Not to mention, I dream big...but sort of ambiguously. I'd love to incorporate fashion into my career, but I have no idea how. I'm a potential metalsmithing major in college (jewelry design), also a potential English/Journalism major. I'd like to think these two can mesh...but apparently that's unrealistic. BOO. Maybe blogging Bah, I don't know. Plus, I have a sister living in New York right now (metalsmithing graduate) working for Krupp Group, so she's had quite an influence on me in one way or another.

aannnnyyyywaaay. Now I'm starting to feel self-conscio
us and stupid. meh. please receive me with open arms, open hearts, open minds, fellow bloggers? please and thank you :]

I will leave you with a picture of aust and myself from last summer in brooklyn. Austin is wearing possibly my favorite dress of all time--from Wildman Vintage in Lawrence, KS (hooome). She tried to swindle me out of it. No dice.

Miss summer. Miss Austin. Miss my pink hair.